2024 Scholarship Ceremony
The 2024 OTF Scholarship Ceremony was held on May 28th, 2024, on the Schmidt House grounds. We awarded a total of $105,000 to 17 graduating high school seniors in Thurston County.
Since awarding its first college scholarship in 1967, OTF has awarded more than $2.6 million in scholarships and grants and helped hundreds of students pursue undergraduate degrees. Scholarships are offered on the basis of both achievement and need to Thurston County high school graduates attending college within the state of Washington. OTF also awards grants to local school districts and early childhood programs for innovative classroom projects.
The 2024 OTF Scholarship Ceremony was held on May 28th, 2024, on the Schmidt House grounds. We awarded a total of $105,000 to 17 graduating high school seniors in Thurston County.
Traditional scholarships ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 are awarded to Thurston County graduating high school seniors who plan to attend school within the state of Washington. Applicants will be screened for academic promise, 3.0 grade point average or better, work ethic, community involvement, and financial need.
Please see the current application for more details.
Katie Schmidt Hurley, Education Program Chair
John Dodge
Bo Ingham
Dan Jones
Rikki Martinez
Olympia Tumwater Foundation
PO Box 4098
Tumwater, WA 98501
Email: scholarships@olytumfoundation.org
Office: (360) 943-2550
Graduating high school seniors in Thurston County who plan to attend a university within the state of Washington.
Via email: Scholarships@olytumfoundation.org (recommended) or phone: (360) 943-2550
You can download an application through our website; follow the instructions for submittal to the Olympia Tumwater Foundation.
Applications are only available through the OTF website.
No counselor signatures are required this year.
At OTF, a group of dedicated volunteers (traditional scholarship committee) screens all applications and selects finalists for interviews. Final selection follows the interview process.
Sorry, OTF offers scholarships only to students who plan to attend a public or private college, university, or technical school within the state of Washington.
Yes, you need to include a copy of your high school transcript, student aid report (FAFSA) if you have it, financial aid offer documents, and any other materials that may be required on the application.
Financial need is different for each individual. The more information you can provide us, the better equipped we will be to make a decision on your application. Did something change in the last twelve months or since you completed your FAFSA application? Let us know, take time to clearly fill out your application, and make a case to us on why you should be selected to receive the scholarship.
Members of the Early Learning Grant Committee in 2024.
OTF, in its efforts to increase and enhance educational programs in Thurston County, is dedicated to providing educators with funds to implement and administer learning opportunities that go beyond the basic available funding of the program.
Grants are offered to school districts, early childhood education programs, and K-3 curricula located in Thurston County to fund innovative, sustainable projects. Individual grants vary in size from around $300 to $2,500.
Applications will be evaluated based on the following goals of the grant program:
OTF has funded over $177,000 in early learning grants to deserving Thurston County educators since 2006.
The 2024-25 Early Learning Grant cycle has ended. Please contact Todd Cutts for additional information: maddy@olytumfoundation.org or (360) 943-2550 or tcutts@olytumfoundation.org.
Olympia Tumwater Foundation
PO Box 4098
Tumwater, WA 98501
Email: maddy@olytumfoundation.org
Office: (360) 943-2550
Yes, you may print the grant application & grant evaluation packet from our website and mail it in.
If you are a school teacher, funds will be sent to your principal or school superintendent to be available for your use.
No! Private organizations are welcome to apply.
The OTF Tumwater Music Grant is a new addition to our education program for the 2024-25 school year! We partnered with the City of Tumwater’s Parks and Recreation Department Arts Program to host an event series the summer of 2024, with one of the events funding this new grant. Grant funding will be awarded to Tumwater School District K-12 music educators to fund musical instruments or learning materials such as books or music stands. The applications will be evaluated by our Early Learning Grant committee of esteemed community members with a passion for education.
Applicants evaluations are based on the following criteria:
The 2024-2025 OTF Tumwater Music Grant cycle has ended. Please contact Todd Cutts for additional information: tcutts@olytumfoundation.org or (360) 943-2550.